It is the policy of the Board of Management of Cloonakilla N.S. that a rota be set up to supply daily yard supervision in the playground during break-times.
This rota will be drawn up by the principal and the rota will be displayed on the staffroom notice board. Supervision will be conducted by all teachers and SNA’s. Rules of the school yard are communicated regularly to the children especially at the beginning of each term. Supervision duties are compulsory.
The supervisor will at all times during play breaks supervise the school grounds to ensure that good safety behaviour is being practiced in so far as possible. The patrol area includes all inside and outside areas. Pupils will be instructed to stay outside with only toilet visits allowed following permission from teacher on duty. An exception to this will be where a pupil has been deprived of his/her playtime due to bad behaviour, non attendance to class work or non-compliance with the Code of Discipline. Such pupils will remain in classroom between the staffroom and main office.
There will be 4 teachers and 4 SNA’s on yard duty. Teachers on yard duty must ensure that they are on yard promptly. No hot drinks are permitted on yard for Health & Safety purposes. Teachers on yard duty remain with the classes until the class teacher returns from break. Class teachers are encouraged to pick up their classes promptly.
The SNA provides extra supervision by acting in an observing and reporting role. The SNA will pay particular attention to the child/children to whom she has been assigned.
Children with injuries/complaints are dealt with directly by the teacher on yard duty. Children are not permitted to report directly to the staffroom.
First Aid Boxes and Accident/Incident Report Forms are kept in the staffroom.
On wet days, pupils will remain in the classrooms where they will be supplied with games, toys, DVDs etc. They will be supervised during these indoor periods as per rota in staffroom.
In the event of a teacher’s absence from school, where a substitute teacher is not available, that teacher’s classes will be divided amongst the other teachers for the length of time that the classes are without a teacher with the exception of Junior Infants. The LS/Resource teachers /Principal will supervise Junior Infants in their own classrooms.
It is the policy of our school that all teachers, whether or not they are on supervision duty, will be vigilant at all times while in the school environs to ensure the greatest possible level of safety for the children.
Cloonakilla N.S. opens at 09.20am. Children will not be admitted into the school buildings before this time. If weather is inclement children will be admitted into the school hall at 9.10am.where they will be supervised as per morning supervision schedule. School ends at 03.00pm.The Principal, Deputy Principal and SNAs will supervise the yard from 9.10 – 9.20 each morning and again from 3.00 – 3.10.each evening. The Board of Management do not accept any responsibility for children who are on school premises prior to or after these times. However if children remain uncollected after 3.10pm the school always ensures that a duty of care is provided until a parent/guardian arrives. Parents are advised of this arrangement every term.
When visiting teachers or teacher practice students take a class the class teacher must always be present in a supervisory capacity.
All children will be supervised whilst on school outings. (See School Tours Policy)
For swimming lessons children will be supervised by 2 teachers and 1 SNA depending on numbers of children attending.
Please see attached playground rules and details of play areas.
This policy will be reviewed in September 2019.
Signed:_____________________________ Date:__________________
Board of Management –
Cloonakilla National School
Review of Policy due to Covid – 19 Restrictions
As a consequence of Covid – 19 restrictions staggered breaks / lunchtimes must be catered for under Supervision Rota.
Attached please find details for Arrival, School breaks and times.
The school yard will be supervised from 9.00 to 9.20 each morning and from 2.50 to 3.20 each evening. This is to allow for social distancing measures to be maintained and to prevent the spread of Covid – 19.
- Morning Routine
- The school yard will be supervised each morning from 9am-9.20am.
- Parents are asked to “Drop and Go” at the following designated times:
9-9.10: Children with siblings
9.10-9.20: Single children
- Please adhere to these times as closely as possible.
- Children will go to their designated area and stand in their class line. 3rd-6th class pupils will maintain social
- The class teacher will invite the children to enter the building via their designated entrance point as outlined in the following table:
Entrance & Exit Points | Class |
Junior Infants 5th & 6th Classes | Door A Front of school right hand side |
Senior Infants | Door C (Assembly Hall) |
1st Class 2nd Class | Door F (Back of School) |
3rd Class | Door E (Door beside bicycle shelter) |
4th Class | Door D Front of school left side |
Staff/ Visitors /Adults | Door B (Main Entrance) |
- Breaktimes
The DES guidelines state that the risk of transmission from contact with outside surfaces or play areas is low. To further reduce interaction between classes we will operate the following staggered break system:
Small break
10.50-11.00: Group 1 (Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 3rd Class & 5th Class)
Children will stay in their lines until Group 2 exit for their break. They will then re-enter the school class by class.
11.00-11.10: Group 2 (1st Class, 2nd Class, 4th Class & 6th Class)
12.15-12.45: Group 1
12.45-1.15: Group 2
- Dismissal of pupils
Class | Exit | Parents |
Junior & Senior Infants | Teacher brings class to their designated entrance/exit point – Door A, where they wait for collection | Adults wait behind yellow line in front yard at appropriate social distance from others waiting adults |
1st & 2nd Class | Teachers bring class out through their designated entrance/exit point – Door F and walk to Door E area where they await collection from their marked line | Adults wait behind yellow line on the path at top of the steps or behind the school wall or behind yellow line in front yard maintaining social distancing at all times |
3rd & 4th Classes | Teachers will bring class out in their pods – 3rd class will exit Door E and 4th Class Door D where they await collection | Adults wait behind yellow line on the path at top of the steps or behind the school wall or behind yellow line in front yard maintaining social distancing at all times |
5th & 6th Classes | Teachers will bring class out in their pods through Door A where they await collection | Adults wait behind yellow line on the path at top of the steps or behind the school wall or behind yellow line in front yard maintaining social distancing at all times |
Siblings will exit at their designated doors and wait collection on the basketball court for collection
Bus: Children will proceed to school bus immediately on the exit from the school
To avoid parents and children congregating in the school yard at hometime the following staggered dismissal of pupils must be adhered to:
2pm: Junior & Senior Infants.
2.50pm: 1st Class & 2nd Class + their siblings from all other classes
3pm: 3rd Class & 4th Class + their siblings from all other classes
3.10pm: 5th & 6th class
The following table illustrates where parents may meet their children:
Parents are not permitted to enter yard beyond yellow lines and must maintain social distancing at all times. Congregating of parents or children will not be permitted at arrival/dismissal times.
- Collection of children during school day
Parents ring ahead to inform us of exactly time of collection. Please ring school phone from carpark on your arrival. Children will be called by intercom to the front door. You must then come to reception to sign your child out but return to yard behind red line and your child/children will be sent out to you.
Playground Rules
- Pupils must never leave school grounds under any circumstances.
- All pupils must vacate the classroom at break-times.
- They may enter the school only to go to toilet but must ask permission of teacher on yard duty.
- Swinging on goalposts/basketball posts or pulling from wire fence is not permitted.
- Litter should be placed in bins.
- On hearing the school bell children should walk to their in their line and remain there in their bubble/pod there until collected by class teacher.
- Children should play only in their designated play areas.
- Dangerous games are prohibited at all times.
- Children must walk up/down stairs on left side only in single file.
Play Areas
- Area A: Hardcourt at side of school (Jun Inf – 1st)
- Area B: Path at back of school (Sen Inf & 2nd)
- Area C: Back pitch & small green area, 5th – 6th
- Area D: Front basketball court & green area 3rd & 4th
Signed: _____________________________ Date ____________________
Board of Management
Cloonakilla National School