School Information

On this page you will find information on the following:
School Times
School Uniform
Healthy Lunch Policy
Home/School Communication
Attendance Challenge
Attendance Awards

School Times

  1. School begins at 9.20am and ends at 3.00pm (2.00 for infants).  The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for children outside of these times.
  2. Children are not allowed to enter the school building prior to 9.20am
  3. There is a short break at 11.00am. Lunch break is from 12.30 -1.00pm. No glass bottles or cans please.
  4. Junior and Senior Infants are dismissed at 2.00pm. Infants are not allowed to go home on their own.  If there is a change in pick up arrangements the teacher should be notified in writing or on Aladdin Connect.
  5. Pupils who bring bicycles to school are asked to alight at the gates to the school.
  6. The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for children’s property.
  7. At 3.00 the children are expected to leave the school grounds in an orderly fashion and report home promptly.

School Uniform for Cloonakilla N.S

Grey Skirt/Pinafore/Trousers (optional)
White polo shirt
Royal blue jumper

Grey Trousers
White polo shirt
Royal blue jumper
PE Top (Purchased in School)

The school uniform is worn on all school days with a few exceptions which are made very clear to the children in advance.  Children must wear runners and tracksuits of their own choosing for P.E.

Healthy Lunch Policy

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Cloonakilla N.S. to encourage the children to become more aware of the need for healthy food in their lunch boxes. We do this in conjunction with the S.P.H.E. Programme. Surveys have shown that children’s lunches are often very unhealthy and are not nutritionally adequate because they tend to be low in fibre and high in sugar. Lunch should provide one third of your child’s food requirements for the day. We encourage parents to plan a healthy lunch using one food from each of the food groups- one piece of fruit, yogurt, bread or rolls with nutritional filling, cheese, salad, pastas etc. Children are allowed use nutella spread on bread/crackers.
The following foods are only permitted in school on Fridays as a treat:

  • Sweets
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Chocolate
  • Bars including cereal bars
  • Winders
  • Crisps

A simple approach to healthy eating is to use the food pyramid.  A healthy eating policy has been in operation in our school for years.

Home/School Communication

Frequent communication is of vital importance in developing and nurturing cooperation between school and home.  In our school, communication between parents and teachers may take one of the following forms.

  1. Individual Consultation: This occurs where a parent has asked for an interview with a teacher or has been invited to visit the school to exchange information or discuss matters of concern. A note o the class teacher requesting such an appointment is always essential. It is also necessary to state the purpose of the visit so that the teacher can undertake whatever preparation is necessary with regard to information and records.
  2. Parent/Teacher Meetings: These are generally held during the first term – usually during the month of November.
  3. Details of School Holidays and early closures are always communicated.


In accordance with the Education Welfare Act (2000), the school has a legal duty to report absences of 20 days or more in a school year to the Education Welfare Officer. On missing 20 days the school informs the parents that it is communication with the Welfare Officer that the named child has missed more than 20 days. In the event of a child being absent, the parents must communicate to the class teacher, in writing, the reason for the child’s non attendance. These are kept by the class teacher.

Attendance Challenge

As a means of encouraging school attendance every child who has an attendance of 98% or more will be presented with an award at the end of each term.

There will also be a prize at the end of the school year for the child with the most improved attendance record.