Introductory Statement
This policy was drawn up following a review of the previous policy by the AED Response Team in conjunction with the Board of Management of Cloonakilla N.S.
The policy was drafted because
· The school was donated an Automated External Defibrillator (A.E.D.). The defibrillator contains special computer software that can analyse the cardiac rhythm and deliver a shock ONLY if the heart requires it.
· A “chain of survival” is based on 3 links – 1.Early Access, 2.Early C.P.R., 3.Early Defibrillation, 4.Early Advanced Life Support, 5.Early Post Resuscitation Care. Establishing an A.E.D. Responder Programme can strengthen the first 4 links of the “Chain of Survival” in our school.
· The initial policy needed to be updated and the AED Response team expanded.
Aims & Objectives
· To provide an A.E.D. Responder Programme in our school
· To ensure that the A.E.D. is placed in a specific location & that responders are trained in C.P.R. and in the use of the A.E.D.
Roles & Responsibilities
· The AED Response Team is as follows: Mary O’Rourke, Patricia Cunniffe, Maria Derwin, Rosaleen McGrane, Moira Connaughton, Siobhan McCabe, Sandra Kelly, Caroline Ryan, Darragh Connolly, Davina Donnelly, Caroline Sexton & Eimear Cronolly. They have all received training in the use of C.P.R. and Cardiac First Response. They have all received retraining and certification in January 2023. They are the only members of staff authorised by the B.O.M. to use the A.E.D. Mary O’Rourke is responsible for ensuring that the defibrillator is in proper working order at all times. The A.E.D. is checked on a monthly basis and each check is recorded. A.E.D. parts will be ordered as required from Cardiac Services, Dublin and the cost will be covered by the B.O.M.
· It was decided to inform parents of defibrillator and condition of use in September Newsletter annually. As before, consent will be assumed unless informed otherwise.
In the event of cardiac arrest in a child or an adult, on school property or in the immediate vicinity the following procedure will apply
· A member of the AED Response Team will be summoned
· Having assessed the situation a call will be made to emergency services and C.P.R. will commence
· The AED Response Team Member will proceed with C.P.R. until the A.E.D. arrives. This will then be used until medical help arrives or until the responder is no longer able to continue
· The AED will be stored at all times on shelf in hall of main school building and will be marked accordingly
· The above procedure will be used on all children / adults in the event of cardiac arrest unless parents have indicated to the contrary that they do not wish this procedure to be used (see attached letter)
· Counselling will be provided for responders to “debrief” after an event by the doctor who is the medical director of the programme. Feedback will also be provided to the responders from the medical director
The A.E.D will be stored on a shelf at the end of the hall outside staffroom. The First Aid Press is marked and located in staffroom.
A.E.D. Response Team Member Certificates are filed in Filing Cabinet in staffroom. These are valid for a period of 2 years.
The success of this policy is measured from a set criteria:
· Positive feedback from staff, parents, B.O.M.
· Positive feedback from medical director
· Competent use of C.P.R. and A.E.D. in the event of cardiac arrest by the A.E.D. Response Team
Link to Emergency Services
Emergency No: 112 or 999
Ambulance Dispatch Unit Tullamore: 057 9358174 or 057 9358175
Ambulance Station Athlone: 090 6470870
Athlone Hospital No: 090 6475301
Medical Supervision
Dr Tony Lowry: Newtown Tce., 0906472075 or Monksland 090 6492016
Ratification and Review
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management on and will be effective immediately .
It will be reviewed in 2026.
Signed: ______________________________Date:___________________________
Chairperson, Board of Management